Premier Private Hire and Taxi Service in Eastbourne

Your Trusted Transportation Partner

Eastbourne's largest Premier Private Hire and Taxi company. We pride ourselves on providing a personal, safe, and polite service.

At Eastbourne 720 Taxis, we are dedicated to offering the best transportation services in Eastbourne. Our efficient and courteous team ensures a seamless journey for every passenger. Driven by professionalism and reliability, we strive to exceed your expectations.

About Us

Download our App and enjoy fixed priced journeys. *Pay by Apple or Android Pay or      alternatively register your card and start enjoying cheaper fares and a loyalty scheme to save even more.*       (*coming soon*)

Top-notch Customer Service

We prioritise customer satisfaction and go the extra mile to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable ride for all passengers.

Safety First

Your safety is our top priority. Our drivers are fully trained and our vehicles are well-maintained to guarantee a secure journey. App customers can send their vehicle tracking to loved ones

Prompt and Reliable

We value punctuality and reliability. Count on us to pick you up on time and get you to your destination without any delays.

Wide Range of Services

From airport transfers to local transportation, we offer a comprehensive range of services to meet all your transportation needs. All our vehicle accept all cards, contactless, Android Pay and Apple pay

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