One winter's day, a boy builds a snowman who comes to life at the stroke of midnight...
This Christmas, join us on an immersive magical journey and experience the heartwarming tale of The Snowman, screened with live orchestra. A BAFTA winning classic, featuring the song "Walking in the Air", The Snowman is a cinematic gem of Raymond Briggs' story with music by Howard Blake, performed live for you by Orpheus Sinfonia as we bring the magic to life this Christmas.
Also in the programme, we bring Fred and the Fantastic Tub-Tub to Eastbourne for the first-time ever. When Fred’s green-fingered grandfather shows her a map to the mysterious island of Papa Nupi, he leads her on a summer holiday adventure that just might save the planet. A brand-new work for children young and old, this adventure set to gloriously cinematic music is narrated live by the author, Classic FM’s Zeb Soanes.
Followed by an opportunity to meet a certain ‘snowy guest’, and book signings with author Zeb Soanes and composer James Marangone.
A perfect festive outing for the whole family, that will charm and captivate the entire audience.
© Snowman Enterprises Limited
“The Snowman” by Raymond Briggs is published by Puffin
image © Snowman Enterprises Ltd
Book Tickets
Guide Prices
£21.50, Under 16s £18.50, Students & Concessions £19.50, Family Ticket £72
£15.50, Conc & Under 16s £13.50
Prices inclusive of £2.50 per ticket booking fee
- Disabled toilets
Booking & Payment Details
- Credit cards accepted (with charge)
- On-site light refreshments
- Facilities for educational visits
- Facilities for groups
Meeting, Conference & Wedding Facilities
- Facilities for conferencing
- Facilities for corporate hospitality
- Free Parking
- Parking with charge
Property Facilities
- Public toilets
- Telephone (public)
Target Markets
- Accepts groups
- Coach parties accepted