Little Shop of Horrors is a rock horror comedy musical which follows the story of a nerdy shop worker trying to improve his chances of success and romance with his discovery of a carnivorous plant which feeds on human blood and flesh. Gardening will never be the same again!!
This is an amateur production presented by Dotty Briant’s Eastbourne Stagers.
Book Tickets
Guide Prices
Wed £12.00
Thursday, Friday eves and Sat Matinee Adult: £15 Child: £12.50 Family Ticket - 2 adults, 2 children - £50
Saturday Evening Adult: £17.00 Child: £14.50 Family Ticket - 2 adults, 2 children - £55
Schools, colleges and Groups of 20+ £10 per ticket - every performance
- Disabled access
- Disabled toilets
Booking & Payment Details
- Credit cards accepted (with charge)
- On-site light refreshments
- Facilities for educational visits
- Facilities for groups
- Free Parking
- Parking with charge
Property Facilities
- Public toilets
Target Markets
- Accepts groups
- Coach parties accepted