The trail is designed to take you on a spooky adventure across Eastbourne and Pevensey, visiting some of the most well known haunted properties in the area. The trail is roughly 9 miles long to walk, but we have designed it so you are able to walk, catch the bus or cycle. This trail faces many busy roads so please take care with children.
Please note: not all venues are open to the public.
Spooky Eastbourne starts at the famous Beachy Head, home of the grey lady and then takes you to the Old Town of Eastbourne where you will find two waypoints. You will then go onto visiting haunted properties along Seaside road before making your way along the coast to Pevensey. Be careful of the spirits you might visit!
Getting to the start of the trail (Beachy Head):
The number 12 buses (12, 12A, 12X) will take you from bus stop J in Terminus Road to Warren Hill, where you will have to walk 30 minutes to Beachy Head. If you are walking, then make your way to the foot of Beachy Head on King Edwards Parade and walk over the hill to start the trail to Beachy Head.
Start point: Beachy Head. It has been reported on many occasions that harmless walkers have been greeted by some spooky guests. The most commonly reported is the grey lady who has been seen walking along the cliffs, she has been said to approach walkers, and most people mistake her for a harmless passer by, until she suddenly vanishes into thin air. One dog walker was taking an evening stroll when the lady approached him, lent over to stroke his petrified dog that ran off howling, and then disappeared in front of his eyes.
To get to your next point, continue on Beachy Head Road and take a left onto Warren Hill, take a right at the end of which will take you onto East Dean Road. Walk past the Eastbourne Downs Golf Course and down the hill. Cross over the traffic lights and keep walking until you reach The Lamb Inn on your left. (3.7 miles)
Point two: The Lamb Inn. This quaint building which dates back to 16th century is known to be haunted by several ghosts. Gulp. The building has been used for a variety of reasons and has been occupied by a variety of visitors.
To get to your next point, cross over the road and on your right hand side you will see the steps leading into the entrance of Gildredge Park (Manor Gardens). (210 feet)
Point three: Gildredge Manor (private venue). This manor, a former art gallery, belonged to a local reverend until he died and it was taken over by the local council. Medieval marks were found on the cellar walls and local architects had no clues as to where they came from or who had done them. To this day they are still unexplained.
To get to your next point, follow the A259 (Southfields Road) towards the train station. At the station, follow Terminus Road through the shopping precinct. Take your third left onto Seaside Road. Then take a sharp right onto Elms Avenue (1.3 miles)
Point four: Elms Avenue - look for the blue plaque. Late in the 1990s, a lady visited a house in Elms Avenue, with the intention of buying it for herself and her family. The estate agent showed her around along with another gentleman, who did not say a single word as they walked through the house. The silent man wore a black overcoat, black homburg hat and had a particularly eerie presence about him. The lady felt that the man was looking her over to see whether he approved of her buying the house. Later, when watching a black and white TV programme, the lady saw the gentleman on the TV that she had seen when viewing the house. The man was Sandy Powell, a famous musical hall star who lived in the house she had bought. When she viewed the house, he had been dead already for 10 years.
To get to your next point, go back to the start of Elms Avenue and take a right back onto Seaside Road and follow the road to your next point, the Royal Hippodrome Theatre. (0.2 miles)
Point five: Royal Hippodrome Theatre (open during performance times). There are said to be a few ghosts who haunt the historic walls, a lady has been spotted sitting in the grand circle harmlessly watching rehearsals and she will occasionally visit the stage when it's quieter, no one knows her identity or why she still visits the building.
To get to your next point, carry on Seaside Road and follow it round to the left. Cross the road and walk between Sea Houses Square (there is a water fountain in the square) and turn left down past Gelato Famoso. Shortly on your left you will see Ye Olde Bakery. (0.1 mile)
Point six: Ye Olde Bakery. A witch, a scary old lady who always dressed in black and terrified the local children, has her presence strongly felt at Ye Old Bakery. Many people said they would not risk staying overnight at fear of what may happen. Across the years, staff have reported an unsettling atmosphere. Several times, the bakery has been visited by those with psychic abilities, all of which has sensed the presence of the Phantom Witch who dressed in black. The bakery is now a holiday cottage.
To get to your next point, take a right onto Marine Parade and follow the road until you reach Royal Parade. Keep a look out on your right hand side as you will approach the Redoubt Fortress. (0.4 miles)
Point seven: Redoubt Fortress (closed to public). This building has been home to a huge scope of residents, used in the first and Second World Wars as a base for troops and as a possible prison. The fortress has seen it all, being home to aquatic life as well as a school so its no surprise the building can be home to some unexpected guests. In the building there have been sightings of a strange ghost who crouches on the gun platform, and an unsettling, haunting atmosphere can be sensed particularly in Casemate 11.
To get to your next point, catch the 99 bus to Pevensey Bay or continue east on the promenade, past the Sovereign Centre, and inland from the Water treatment centre along Atlantic Drive towards the harbour. Walk through the harbour and follow the A259 east towards Pevensey Bay. Then walk inland towards the castle. (4.2 miles)
Point eight: Pevensey Castle. Having been home to many battles, at the castle you are definitely going to feel the presence of something. Many people have said to have seen the ghost of Lady Pelham, who has been seen walking the crumbling walls at dusk, elegantly gliding and then suddenly disappearing. In 1976, four young boys were left petrified after they reported seeing her, could you handle being that close to a ghost?
To get to your next point, follow the high street to your next waypoint at Pevensey Court House (330 feet)
Finishing point: Pevensey Court House. What eyes are watching you in the court house? When the Gaol cells were renovated a few years ago, a small tudor window was discovered in one of the cells complete with the iron grill. The last time anyone looked out of this could have been 400 years ago. Ever since then, visitors have reported a strange feeling of being watched and cold spots in the cell.
To extend your scary adventures further, why not visit Michelham Priory - reputedly one of the most haunted places in Britain with sights of Augustine monks, a despairing mother and a threatening prescence of the former landowner. Cuckmere Buses offer services to the priory on selected days - please check ahead,.